Can I use JSON and Search (like RedisJSON, RediSearch)?

So I was using redis where I also use RedisJSON and RediSearch, redis doesn’t seem to be my thing cuz it seems to be single threaded and I couldn’t figure how to do it either so I gave up and decided to use Dragonfly, but then idk how to do json and search in here, even for json I could have alternatives like storing as buffer or so, but I’m not sure how I could search like FT.SEARCH in redis, is it possible?

We do not support RediSearch and we are not planning to in the near future.
We partially support RedisJson - it’s work in progress.

Is there any way to search?

our contributor @1003037723772325998 implemented most commands. Regarding SEARCH - I would definitely like to understand better your use-case because maybe we can impelement something simpler that will fit your needs

I’m not much into dragonflydb yet so lemme tell my usecase in redis: I store data about Discord channels like: channels:id and I’d need to get in bulk whenever I need a server’s channels, so I do in redis search like this: channels:id, @guildId:id

Is there something like that here yet or in future?

As an example, a channel data looks like this:

  id: 'some id',
  name: 'some name',
  guildId: 'server id',
  position: 0

So I simply store it separately (because I need to do updates separately, so I can’t just keep it inside guild object and dynamically get and add it instead) and then get with the above search method

wait, wait, too quick - I am a boomer. I think I understand at high level but I have some questions

channels:id is the key?



and its value is a json object

  id: 'some id',
  name: 'some name',
  guildId: 'server id',
  position: 0


S0 like I have a guildId, and want all channels that has its guildId as the one I provide

and you have many such objects and you query - got ya

so it’s not really a full text search

it’s a structured search

Not exactly, the structure may change a bit, like some channels could have guildId, others might not

yeah, it’s fine it’s without a schema - sure but you do not need to do full text search

do you publish which fields to do you need to index?