dragonfly start error with " filename may not contain directory separators "

version: dragonfly v1.6.2-913b4b4c30d963cb42370f26d056abc452e40f2c
system: Debian GNU/Linux 11
Start command: dragonfly --flagfile=/home/boomballa/dragonfly/dragonfly16666/dragonfly16666.conf &
Configuration file content:
shell$ cat dragonfly16666.conf





Error content:
Log file created at: 2023/08/01 18:35:30
Running on machine: boomdebian11
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
W20230801 18:35:30.707439 407 dfly_main.cc:692] SWAP is enabled. Consider disabling it when running Dragonfly.
E20230801 18:35:30.713604 407 server_family.cc:488] filename may not contain directory separators (Got “/home/boomballa/dragonfly/dragonfly16666/”)

“filename may not contain directory separators (Got “/home/boomballa/dragonfly/dragonfly16666/”)”

Does it mean that folder separators cannot be included in the configuration file? Or when the parameter --flagfile is used at startup, the configuration file does not write the full path? This point is not particularly clear.

--dbfilename=/home/boomballa/dragonfly/dragonfly16666/ this is the pitfall

you should just specify the filename without the directory

like --dbfilename=boomballa

it will be stored automatically in dir

@inclusive-numbat Ok, I got it, it’s working now, thanks.
A small suggestion, can you bring the parameters corresponding to the abnormality when reporting the error, as a reminder, it will be much easier to troubleshoot the problem. The error message looks very confusing. I thought there was a requirement for the name of the configuration file, or the specified configuration file cannot have an absolute path.

i agree. @dignified-nautilus FYI