Unable to set maxmemory-policy config

According to https://www.dragonflydb.io/faq/how-to-set-eviction-policy-in-redis, I was trying to set the eviction policy on an already running instance like this and I am unable to.> CONFIG SET maxmemory-policy volatile-lru
(error) ERR Unknown option or number of arguments for CONFIG SET - 'maxmemory-policy'> CONFIG GET maxmemory-policy
(empty list or set)

i am running the latest (as of today) version

I20240305 09:14:41.816077     1 init.cc:70] dragonfly running in opt mode.
* Logs will be written to the first available of the following paths:
* For the available flags type dragonfly [--help | --helpfull]
* Documentation can be found at: https://www.dragonflydb.io/docs
I20240305 09:14:41.818137     1 dfly_main.cc:627] Starting dragonfly df-v1.15.0-0c1150956b600f21473eae1d0e338194de6b61bc
I20240305 09:14:41.822212     1 dfly_main.cc:671] maxmemory has not been specified. Deciding myself....

What am I doing wrong ?

hi @resourceful-antelope i think we currently do not support those policy options as Redis does

right. dragonfly only supports 2q eviciton policy https://www.dragonflydb.io/blog/dragonfly-cache-design

Ah ok, I misunderstood the docs.

Because the link is on dragonflydb, i thought it was for dragonfly :rofl:

adi’s link? yeah it is for dragonfly…

no, this link https://www.dragonflydb.io/faq/how-to-set-eviction-policy-in-redis

i see

this is indeed confusing… Adi has send feedback to our team, maybe this page shall not be there…